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The End of Drakon

This is the fourth mission of a small questline to complete one request of the Kings of Sparta. It needs to be completed to complete The Conqueror.

Like the two missions before it, this is an assassination mission. Find the champion and kill him. Because he's in a particularly strange area, we highly recommend using guided mode for this mission.

Drakon is located in a sort of theater looking area. More information about his specific location can be found at the Agora in Thebes. Or run to Melanioppos's Camp and run northeast until hitting the coast and coming to two statues. Call Ikaros to mark Drakon at the top of the hill.

Run to the top of the hill and meditate until night time. Land a sneak attack on Drakon; he's big, muscly elite sort of enemy. He also can light his halberd on fire. Make sure to keep as much distance as possible when his weapon is on fire as it has a good amount of reach.

Poison and fire arrows are a good tactic to use against Drakon, as they provide range and damage over time. When Drakon's weapon is not on fire, get in close to land a strong hit with a close-quarters ability of your choosing. For more tips on combat, head to our Tips and Tricks.

After Drakon has been defeated, this mission will come to an end.
